Has a hex been put upon you? Have you been cursed? Why are you so unlucky?
Does it sometimes feel like your life is plagued with bad fortune? That no matter what you do things never work out the way they should, or the way you want them to? Does it feel like no matter how many times you toss that coin it ALWAYS comes up tails? Do you always manage to pick the table with the wonky leg? Or the seat next to the weirdo on the bus? Or the one next to the person with the streaming cold?
Some people seem to be more unlucky than others. And despite what sceptics might tell you, bad luck isn't necessarily all in your head.
There are many reasons why you might be more unlucky than most. Sometimes - if things are going bad - especially if they've been going bad for a while and it's affecting many areas of your life - it could be the sign that you are under a curse.
Other times it could be a sign that your soul is out of alignment, or that you're simply more sensitive to the phases of the moon, or the other hidden forces that underpin our world.
But whatever the problem is, I can help. I can remove your bad luck once and for all.
If you've come to the conclusion that your life is nothing more than a series of unfortunate events and disasters - even if you can't pinpoint exactly when the bad luck started - I can definitely help.
I can find out exactly why you're so unlucky, and in nearly all situations, I can remove the bad luck once and for all. I will also begin a healing process to repair any damage has been done, and most important of all, I will protect you from further runs of bad luck and misfortune.
Better still, we can do this together, today - and nobody has to know that it is I who has helped you. Let me help you get your life back on track.
Sometimes I have a client pay me to remove bad luck, and then - once I've spent time and effort working on their spell - they then ignore everything else that I tell them to do. Usually I have a small list of simple tasks intended to clear out all that residual bad luck crap and get a clients life back on track. This is an important part of the process, like taking the tablets that a doctor has given you after you made all the effort to make an appointment and turn up at the surgery.
But some people act as if they actually enjoyed being unlucky. And once I've performed the spell it's like I've taken away their excuse for always being late, forgetting people's birthdays, failing to pay their bills, leaving on time for important meetings... Without the bad luck in their life, they're forced to start taking responsibility for stuff... and that's just not something they're comfortable with.
But I know that's NOT you. You don't want to be that person. You want the bad luck to end! You want your life to get better! You want to be lucky once again!
Other people just won't accept that the bad luck is GONE! They drop their phone, crack the glass on their phone and think it's bad luck. They let the cheese go mouldy in the fridge and think it's bad luck. They go out drinking, stay out way too late, arrive late for work the next day, get a verbal warning from their asshole of a boss... and they think it's bad luck.
No. That's just life!
But I know that's NOT you. You know the difference between genuine misfortune and poor decision making. I know You want the bad luck to end! You want your life to get better! You want to be lucky once again!
I am Raven. A genuine Black Magic Witch, who specializes in powerful ancient spells, curses, and - more importantly - Bad Luck removal.
I perform a variety of rituals that have been proven to work time and again, and that consistently channel powerful forces to change people's lives for the better.
The forces at work behind what I do are not easily understood by the average person, but the consistent results and sheer number of repeat requests for my services are proof enough.
I, perform all the rituals myself, but unfortunately the number of spells and curse removals that I can perform is limited due to the intensity of the ritual and the time spent personalizing it for each person. It is best that you act now, or unfortunately you may end up stuck on the waiting list, whilst your string of bad luck continues.
For some, my services might be expensive...they are indeed among the highest on the internet. But there's a good reason for this. The spells that will be cast are powerful, intense, and extremely effective, and get results. Simply put - when a person of my knowledge and ability accepts your request for a spell or curse, you are in for a life changing experience.
Now that we’ve established that, let me help you remove your bad luck. Click the link below and be sure to tell me why you think you are unlucky, and how long this has been going on.
Do not order a spell unless you are 100% certain you wish to proceed!
Black Magic is very real. It is not something that should be ventured into lightly, and once a spell is cast, often there is no stopping it. Black Magic can be extremely dangerous if used in the wrong way. As per the terms of this website, I shall not be held responsible for unforeseen outcomes of any spells and curses cast on behalf of clients.
* You may feel angry towards your partner now, but a revenge curse can sometimes lead to irreversible physical or mental injury. Could you live with that?
* Often times it is essential to break off all contact from the cursed in order to protect ourselves from dark, evil forces. Are you able to do that? Are you strong enough to walk away and let the curse take effect?
* Using Black Magic to bring back your ex might seem like a good idea now, but maybe the relationship was never really that great. Wouldn’t it be better to have me find you someone new?