Great Boyfriends and Girlfriends are hard to come by aren’t they! We all want someone who is loads of fun to be around, likes to do the same things that we enjoy doing, wants to go to our favourite bar because it’s their favourite bar too, totally gets us and has our back – basically all the things that your best friend would be.
Hang on a minute – I’ve hit the nail on the head there haven’t I! You already know someone just like that don’t you! AND you fancy the pants off them. Trouble is they have no idea you feel this way about them, you’re their friend and couldn’t be further inside ‘the Friend Zone’ if you tried.
Dammit! You’ll just have to carry on gazing at them when they don’t realise you are even sneaking a look and wondering about what ‘could have been.’ Life sucks don’t it!
HA HA!!! Gotcha! ‘As if’ life has to be like that! Haven’t you been taking notice of anything on my website? NOTHING has to be the way it is if you don’t want it to be. Not now you’ve got me on your side waiting to stir the pot a little for you. Waiting patiently for you to say ‘the word’ so that I can tickle the universe under the chin with some good old Black Magic, and start changing things in your favor.
If you’ve got your eye on someone that you want to turn from a friend into a girlfriend or boyfriend then we’ve got work to do!
*** WARNING *** This spell CANNOT change someone’s sexual preferences. If your friend is GAY and you’d rather they were STRAIGHT – or the other way around – DO NOT ORDER THIS SPELL. It won’t work. And there’s nothing I hate more than wasting my time.
I bet you and your friend get on like a house on fire don’t you. You don’t argue, you laugh at the same jokes, you both enjoy cocktails on a Friday night and the number of times you’ve finished each other’s sentences or started to say the same things at the same time is uncanny. You even get a sixth sense when they are going to call or are feeling low and need you.
The connection is real and you both feel it, no doubt about that BUT they see you as a friend whilst you see them as perfection personified. At least that is how it seems.
We aren’t in their head so we don’t know if they feel exactly the same way but are too frightened to say anything or really have put you securely in the Friend Zone. One thing we do know though…. things can change.
And by nipping onto my website you have just taken the first step to making that happen
Well strangely enough, anyone who has feelings for a friend and would much rather that friend was a Girlfriend or Boyfriend instead.
But more specifically this spell is for someone who has ‘genuine’ feelings for a friend and is in a position to move things in a different direction.
It’s not my place to make any judgements on who you have picked or their current ‘status’ but I do ask you to be sure that you are in a position to act on the changes we create because otherwise we are playing with someone else’s feelings and THAT is not cool! I won’t be a part of that, no way Jose!
*** WARNING *** This spell CANNOT change someone’s sexual preferences. If your friend is GAY and you’d rather they were STRAIGHT – or the other way around – DO NOT ORDER THIS SPELL. It won’t work. And there’s nothing I hate more than wasting my time.
Made myself clear? Good. We can move on then.
As with all utterly awesome spells this one starts with a Black Magic Ritual. Don’t panic, I’ll do that bit, it’s what you are paying me for after all.
I will, in no uncertain terms, tell the universe what it is you want and make sure it knows exactly who you want by your side in future.
After that you will take over. It’s your spell after all and the universe needs to see YOU putting some effort in. You need to prove that you want this as much as you tell me you do. The universe doesn’t act on whims so it needs proof that you are serious about this.
You don’t have to do a great deal but what you do really counts and earns you ‘brownie points’ so make sure that you follow my simple instructions, I promise they really are simple, and you will start to see changes in the energy between you and the object of your desire.
That is difficult to say as it depends on a number of things, including the amount of effort you put in. Safe to say though that we are going to be pushing for results sooner rather than later – you’ve waited long enough for this person to come to their senses already!
*** WARNING *** This spell CANNOT change someone’s sexual preferences. If your friend is GAY and you’d rather they were STRAIGHT – or the other way around – DO NOT ORDER THIS SPELL. It won’t work. And there’s nothing I hate more than wasting my time.
As mentioned above this spell is only for those who are genuinely in a position to start a relationship with the person we are focussing on.
This is not a spell to have someone fall at your feet for fun or out of spite for someone else.
*** WARNING *** This spell CANNOT change someone’s sexual preferences. If your friend is GAY and you’d rather they were STRAIGHT – or the other way around – DO NOT ORDER THIS SPELL. It won’t work. And there’s nothing I hate more than wasting my time.
Like I said before I am not here to judge so the object of your desire does not necessarily have to be single BUT this is not a spell to be used if you want to divert love away from someone else for the wrong reasons. This is not a spiteful spell, it is a love spell. Use it properly and it will bring you the love the you deserve, misuse it and prepare to suffer the consequences.
It couldn’t be easier to get started just click or tap here to place your order.
Do not order a spell unless you are 100% certain you wish to proceed!
Black Magic is very real. It is not something that should be ventured into lightly, and once a spell is cast, often there is no stopping it. Black Magic can be extremely dangerous if used in the wrong way. As per the terms of this website, I shall not be held responsible for unforeseen outcomes of any spells and curses cast on behalf of clients.
* You may feel angry towards your partner now, but a revenge curse can sometimes lead to irreversible physical or mental injury. Could you live with that?
* Often times it is essential to break off all contact from the cursed in order to protect ourselves from dark, evil forces. Are you able to do that? Are you strong enough to walk away and let the curse take effect?
* Using Black Magic to bring back your ex might seem like a good idea now, but maybe the relationship was never really that great. Wouldn’t it be better to have me find you someone new?