My Fertility Spell will help you get pregnant
Practicing for a baby may be fun, hell, A LOT of fun, but if your hopes of getting pregnant are dashed every month I feel for you. When you’re ready to be a Mom - but it just ain’t happening - there isn’t a more heartbreaking feeling. And when it ain’t happening month after month that can be devastating. That’s why this spell is one of my favourites to cast. It brings more joy than any other I do.
Are you ready to be a Mom? Then my Fertility Spell is the answer to your pregnancy prayers.
Here’s something you might not know. The universe picks our little ones for us. Not us. And if the baby we are destined to meet isn’t ready to hop over to our side of the curtain, it doesn’t matter how many times you try and get pregnant – it’s not gonna happen. Destiny can’t be rushed.
That said, it can be nudged along a little - and that is what Black Magic can do.
I want that glow of motherhood to be shining through every pore of your body. Showing the world just how proud you are to be carrying the baby you have been waiting so patiently for. A very special baby that the universe has chosen just for you.
I guess that’s pretty obvious really. However I only want to work with you if you’re truly ready to take on the responsibility of bringing an incredible human being into the world. This is a huge spell, with lasting consequences, so it’s not one to be taken lightly. I don’t and you can’t either. If I think you aren’t quite ready for this, or you don’t have the very best of intentions, I won’t work with you – simple as that.
Together we are going to create a life – that’s a really big deal! If you aren’t totally committed to the responsibilities this bring with it then close this page and don’t come back until you are. I’m not messing around, I mean it!
I begin by performing the ritual necessary for the universe to know you are truly ready to become a mother.
After that, I need you to make a few changes to your diet and lifestyle - nothing major. Just a few changes to increase your general health, ready to support the baby, and a short daily ritual to encourage it into this world. This isn’t a spell where you can sit back and relax. I’m only starting the process off – the rest is up to you.
That depends on you and your ability to follow some simple instructions. Broadly speaking this spell increases your chances of pregnancy on a daily basis. Each day your chances of getting pregnant double. So, some people find they get pregnant immediately, others take a little longer.
This spell requires you to
The Fertility Spell isn’t for you if you want someone else to get pregnant! I don’t care how much you want your wife, or your sister, or your best friend to get pregnant – I can’t do that. And when I say can’t, I mean CAN’T. It’s not possible. I need to work with the person who will carry the child.
My Fertility Spell ISN'T for lazy people either. If you’re hoping to throw some dollars my way, carry on exactly as you are and – BOOM!- pregnant… yeah that’s not going to happen. Black Magic doesn't work like that and I certainly don’t waste my time on people like that either.
This spell isn’t for anyone who physically can’t have children (eg. You’ve had your tubes tied). It also won’t work if your partner isn’t producing sperm. It also won’t help if you’re NOT having sex on a regular basis. I’m not God. I don’t do virgin births.
This spell is for smart people. Good people. People who deserve the happiness that the patter of tiny feet bring. It’s for people who really are ready to take on the responsibility too. If you think we could work together then, click the big BUY SPELL button above.
If you've read all of the above, and you're ready to take the next step, click or tap here to place your order.
Do not order a spell unless you are 100% certain you wish to proceed!
Black Magic is very real. It is not something that should be ventured into lightly, and once a spell is cast, often there is no stopping it. Black Magic can be extremely dangerous if used in the wrong way. As per the terms of this website, I shall not be held responsible for unforeseen outcomes of any spells and curses cast on behalf of clients.
* You may feel angry towards your partner now, but a revenge curse can sometimes lead to irreversible physical or mental injury. Could you live with that?
* Often times it is essential to break off all contact from the cursed in order to protect ourselves from dark, evil forces. Are you able to do that? Are you strong enough to walk away and let the curse take effect?
* Using Black Magic to bring back your ex might seem like a good idea now, but maybe the relationship was never really that great. Wouldn’t it be better to have me find you someone new?