This spell works on anyone you want back in your life again – a friend, a sister, a lover, a son, a daughter… whoever you miss.
Some people we meet along the way really have a real impact on us. We become a better person just for knowing them. They make us smile and our heart feels warm. We look forward to seeing them. They could be a friend, a lover, a colleague or a relative – it doesn’t matter, they have touched our soul somehow.
Thing is, sometimes people argue. Sometimes we say things in anger – in the heat of the moment. Or maybe there’s a break down in communication – a total misunderstanding. Humans are really stupid sometimes and do the most ridiculous things without thinking about the impact it’ll have. We fall out, and suddenly that precious relationship changes overnight. We end up losing someone we don’t want to be without.
Lucky for you that you found me!
Take a moment now to think back to when things were great between you. That’s what this spell is all about. Getting back the relationship you once had. The one you enjoyed. The one you now miss.
YOU and I will call on the powerful energy of Black Magic and, once I have cast the initial spell, we will use that power to draw that precious person back into your life.
This spell is perfect for you if there’s a great big gaping hole in your heart left caused by someone who isn’t around anymore, or if your relationship just isn’t the same as it once was. It’s for you whether you have completely lost touch with someone or things just aren’t the same between you.
Remember that we could be talking about a rift with anyone, not just a lover. If they are important to you, and you miss the relationship you once had, then this spell is for you.
It’s for you if the ‘fault’ is yours and you ready to make amends, or if they were the one who dropped a clanger.
This is a spell for people who want to take charge of their life, and use Black Magic to make some positive changes.
The spell starts with me performing a sacred Black Magic Ritual, but the work doesn’t stop there. The energy that the ritual creates becomes more effective the stronger it becomes. And that, Dear Heart, is where you come in. I will usually set you some very simple, daily tasks, to build on the energy I’ve summoned, and remind the Universe that you are committed to getting this important person back into your life.
These small tasks increase the Magical Energy I have created 10 fold each day, and begin to bring that person closer.
Well that pretty much depends on how much of a hot mess we are dealing with.
A little tiff or misunderstanding is a lot easier to mend than – say - your cheating ex is now snuggled up with someone else. That makes sense though right? Black Magic is, well, Magic …but not everything can be sorted out overnight. It’s not like ordering pizza from a company that promises delivery within 20 minutes. But stick with it, follow my instructions, and the spell will work.
My Retrieve a Friend or Lover Spell will bring back the person that you set your sights on. That means they will come back to you as the awesome person they are, warts and all. This isn’t a transformation spell. Don’t go giving me a list of ‘must haves’ or changes that you want to make to their personality. It doesn’t work like that.
This also isn’t a spell for you if you simply want a second opportunity to vent your rage and tell that person exactly what you think of them. Part of this spell relies on your ability to forgive and forget – both the person you want to bring back, AND yourself. If it was an argument that separated you in the first place, that argument needs to come to an end.
It also goes without saying that this spell won’t bring back anyone from the dead.
If so, it really couldn’t be simpler to get started just click or tap here to place your order.
Do not order a spell unless you are 100% certain you wish to proceed!
Black Magic is very real. It is not something that should be ventured into lightly, and once a spell is cast, often there is no stopping it. Black Magic can be extremely dangerous if used in the wrong way. As per the terms of this website, I shall not be held responsible for unforeseen outcomes of any spells and curses cast on behalf of clients.
* You may feel angry towards your partner now, but a revenge curse can sometimes lead to irreversible physical or mental injury. Could you live with that?
* Often times it is essential to break off all contact from the cursed in order to protect ourselves from dark, evil forces. Are you able to do that? Are you strong enough to walk away and let the curse take effect?
* Using Black Magic to bring back your ex might seem like a good idea now, but maybe the relationship was never really that great. Wouldn’t it be better to have me find you someone new?